
JSON schema core and validation together specify keywords for validating that a JSON document matches a set of predicates. In the context of Automerge - where documents are composed of possibly concurrent modifications - some of these keywords are not useful. This document specifies a set of keywords which are useful in this context.

Conventions and Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

This document refers to automerge as implemented in

Concurrent Modification

The core premise of automerge is that there is a commutative merge operation for any set of automerge documents. Some merges do produce conflicts - there’s no useful way to allow concurrent assignments to the same key in an object - but many edits are merged without conflict. For example, concurrent inserts into an array will result in an array containing all the inserted values. This is an extremely useful property but it presents problems for JSON schema. A property we might want is that if two automerge documents are valid with respect to some schema, then their merge is also valid with respect to that schema, but consider the maxContains keyword, which constrains an array to contain no more than some number of values - it is possible to have two automerge arrays which contain less than maxContains values, but their merge contains more than maxContains. The maxContains keyword does not distribute over merges.

This document presents a set of keywords taken from the core and validation specs which distribute over the merge operation and therefore can be used to validate automerge documents.

Schema ID and meta schema ID

The ID for this vocabulary is (this document address)

A draft 2020-12 meta schema which validates this vocabulary has ID (also the document address).

Type Annotations

Automerge has a richer data model than JSON. Of particular relevance to schemas is that there are two types which map to a JSON string. There is a simple string type which does not perform merges on concurrent modifications, and a text type which allows for concurrent modification of the characters in the string. Schemas which validate a string instance MAY specify the type of the underlying property with the automerge_type annotation, the value of which MUST be either "string" or "text". When validating an instance implementations MUST check that the underlying automerge type matches the automerge_type value and if it does not validation MUST fail.


Keywords from the core vocabulary

This section specifies keywords from the core vocabulary which implementations MUST implement, all other core vocabulary keywords MUST NOT be implemented.


The semantics of the $ref keyword are as specified in the core vocabulary with the additional constraint that any referenced schemas MUST use this vocabulary. Implementations MUST NOT accept a schema which references schemas which use other vocabularies.

Other keywords

All the keywords from the core vocabulary except the prefixItems and contains keywords are available.

Keywords from the validation vocabulary

This section specifies keywords from the validation vocabulary which implementations MUST implement all other validation vocabulary keywords MUST NOT be implemented.

We take the following keywords unchanged from the original spec:

  • type

  • enum

  • const

  • multipleOf

  • maximum

  • exclusiveMaximum

  • minimum

  • exclusiveMinimum

  • required

  • dependentRequired

Keywords for validating strings

Any instance which uses the following keywords for validating strings MUST also have automerge_type: "string". Implementations MUST ignore this keyword when automerge_type: "string" is not present. Implementations MAY emit a warning in this case.

  • maxLength

  • minLength

  • pattern

  • format

  • contentEncoding

  • contentMediaType

  • contentSchema


Automerge documents may contain conflicts. These conflicts are available as additional values at any given path in the document. For the purposes of this document we ignore conflicts, implementations MUST apply validation to the deterministic "winning" value (i.e the value with the lowest OpID) at any given path. Implementations MUST NOT apply validation to conflicting values.